What is Metronome ?
Metronome is a minimalist CSS (SCSS) Flex grid with media queries mixins for easy and fast web developping.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum nostrum obcaecati, perferendis doloremque debitis iste. Quasi cupiditate eius saepe debitis quibusdam illum beatae. Quae excepturi veniam numquam facilis at hic?
The basics :
Define widths with classes Ex. "w-1/4"
I'm 25% on desktop and 100% on small resolution
Define media queries widths with modifier classes Ex. "-sm-1/3 -xs-1/2"
I'm 25% on desktop and 33% at small resolution and 50% in xsmall resolution.
Default Grid (Without gutter)
Two cols 50%
Two cols 50%
Two cols 50%
Two cols 50%
Grid with gutter
Two cols with gutter 2/5
Two cols with gutter 3/5
Two cols with gutter 40%
Two cols with gutter 60%
Grid with small gutter
Two cols with small gutter 33.333%
Two cols with small gutter 66.666%
Two cols with small gutter 33.333%
Two cols with small gutter 66.666%
Vertical alignments (.-top .-middle .-bottom)
Two cols with small gutter 33.333%
Two cols with small gutter 66.666%



Horizontal alignments (.-left .-center .-right)




Mixed alignments (.-left .-center .-right .-top .-middle .-bottom)




Media queries modifiers



